The CANTON COMMUNITY CENTER was Incorporated in October 2014 with the help of Attorney Denny Smith. Our FIRST meeting was held in November 2014.

We filed for our 501 (c)3 status and it took 3 months to receive. Once received, collected the necessary documentation to be OFFICIALLY granted the DEED of the building from Hannibal Regional Hospital. Awaited the HRH Board approval and recd the building in April of 2015.

In May 2015 we entered into negotiations with the YMCA, considering options and proposals. We spent 6 months in negotiations, proposals and research. It was not the right option for our center.

In October 2015, the board reached a unanimous decision to regroup, restructure, and to formulate a reconfigured plan. In November 2015 our business proposal was unanimously accepted and we have moved forward.

Since then we have worked tirelessly to obtain a USDA Grant and host several fundraisers so that the building remodel can take place and open so we can be a major destination for our community!

On October 24th 2017 we got the word from the USDA that we were a GO for remodel and our funds were available from them!  The USDA had to approve the floor layout to comply with all aspects of the local, state, and federal laws.  The process is very detailed, getting down to how many inches off the floor an outlet must be, to electrical, plumbing, ensuring no lead and asbestos is located in the building, even how big of a bathroom vent must be installed.  

At the Beginning of January the first hammer was thrown! Remodel took until Mid May!

We held our Grand Opening during our annual Glowing on the River 5k and a ribbon cutting with State Rep Craig Redmon.

We are now open and offering some classes and accepting Memberships.  We are constantly looking for new and exciting classes to add to our lineup, if you or anyone you know is wanting to teach a class, please contact us!

​We look forward to seeing you at the center and events!

Striving to empower the community through supplemental education and socialization.